
(Vía: Carpe Diem)
Este blog se murió. Ahora solo es el eco fantasmagórico de las notas que publico en https://medium.com/@eavogadro
“El libre comercio y la abundancia de materias primas no es suficiente para enfrentar los desafíos de una economía mundial cada día más competitiva y, ante el riesgo cierto de que nos quedemos dormidos en los laureles, el país debe proponerse seriamente dar el paso hacia una economía más sofisticada capaz de hacerse cargo de un escenario global que se prevé complejo y desafiante”
El vocero de esa Asociación, Tim Chelling, dijo a que la poderosa agricultura de California, valorada en más de 36 mil millones de dólares anuales, está este año "en riesgo de catástrofe, por falta de trabajadores agrícolas".
But what do the universities get out of it? The benefits to USC for backing the research include potential licensing fees from patents on the developing technology and the possibility of contributions to the university from successful entrepreneurs like Neven.
Lawrence Gilbert, senior director of technology transfer for the California Institute of Technology, puts it this way, "Universities earn fees and royalties from licensing patents, but the real benefit comes from contributions to the endowment if the start-up company is successful."
Desde la incubadora se encaran dos tipos de trabajos. Por un lado, el asesoramiento y la concreción de acuerdos económicamente justos, cuyo resultado satisfaga los objetivos del investigador y el fin social de la Facultad. "Queremos mostrar que esto puede ser beneficioso, que no está mal que sea económicamente rentable para el investigador y que sea un recurso para la Facultad", aclara Pregliasco.Por otro, la búsqueda de posibles inversores, que contra algunos pronósticos se están presentando en un número mayor que el esperado.
Industria láctea defiende políticas de precios"Cuando logramos la salvaguardia del sector productivo primario, costó dinero, dedicación de los dirigentes gremiales, de la federación, en general dirigentes de todo Chile y del sector productivo. Esta se logró para que la industria nacional se vea beneficiada, tanto productores como industriales. Pues bien, hoy día la industria durante toda la primavera nos mantuvo con un precio a la baja y hasta el día de hoy la industria no ha subido el precio", aseguró hace algunas semanas atrás a este Diario Michel Junod, gerente de Aproleche.
Ante la molestia generada en los productores lecheros, tanto locales como nacionales, frente al nuevo precio de la leche fijado por las industrias, que mostraron una alza, pero considerada de "insuficiente" por parte del gremio, la industria salió en defensa de su política de precios.
Este hombre se llama Evgen Bavcar ("Euguen Bauchar"). Es un fotógrafo de arte y está completamente ciego. Nacido en 1946 en un pequeño pueblo esloveno cerca de Venecia, perdió ambos ojos antes de los doce años en dos accidentes consecutivos. Cuatro años después tomó una cámara entre sus manos por vez primera, para retratar a la joven de la que estaba enamorado: como recuerda, El placer que experimenté entonces surgió del hecho de haber robado y fijado en una película algo que no me pertenecía. Fue el descubrimiento secreto de poder poseer algo que no podía mirar.
Etanol, maíz y los malditos subsidios
por Ricardo Medina Macías
Ricardo Medina es analista político mexicano.
En realidad, los cultivadores de maíz en Estados Unidos descubrieron en el etanol una mina de oro, que se llama cuantiosos subsidios federales.
¿Por qué se ha más que cuadruplicado en seis años la producción de etanol a partir de maíz en Estados Unidos?, ¿estamos ante un hallazgo científico-tecnológico revolucionario que habrá de terminar con la adicción al petróleo?
No. La respuesta es menos espectacular y más preocupante: Destinar maíz a la producción de etanol permite obtener cuantiosos subsidios gubernamentales. Y de paso permite generar una mayor demanda de maíz y precios más altos en el mercado. Negocio redondo para los cultivadores del medio oeste estadounidense.
Sin embargo, el bioetanol tiene un importante y silencioso costo social: la propagación de los monocultivos en desmedro de la producción para la alimentación humana. Como bien explica Acción Ecológica: “Aunque se puedan obtener biocombustibles a partir de algunos productos nativos para resolver los problemas energéticos a nivel local, el problema es la escala. Para suplir las necesidades energéticas globales e impactar de manera efectiva en reducir el calentamiento global, se necesitarían millones de hectáreas de tierras agrícolas y la incorporación de otras tantas a costa de ecosistemas naturales, lo que repercutiría en la soberanía alimentaria de los pueblos”.Robert Samuelson también se opone:
Blindness on Biofuels, by Robert J. Samuelson, Commentary, Washington Post
The great danger of the biofuels craze is that it will divert us from stronger steps to limit dependence on foreign oil: higher fuel taxes ... and tougher federal fuel economy standards to force auto companies to produce them. ...
"The market is very much aware that there are very few supplies out there, coming at a time when the Bush administration is going to put more pressure on the corn market to produce more ethanol," he said.
"We are already seeing signs of economic rationing. Especially in the poultry industry, we are not putting as many eggs into the incubators," Victor added.
"We are already seeing U.S. companies going elsewhere, especially Argentina, to find supplies."
Analysts believe U.S. farmers will scale back their production of other crops like wheat and cotton and plant 10 percent more corn this year, which should help calm the market.
Las áreas del taller definidas para la actividad fueron: impulsar estrategias de fomento (productivo y sanitario), profundizar las estrategias de inserción competitiva en mercados, impulsar la Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Agroalimentario, modernizar la Institucionalidad sectorial, analizar el efecto en la salud y nutrición de las personas y, por último, difundir la estrategia de Chile Potencia Alimentaria.
For some kinds of transactions, there’s no substitute for being on the spot, and the big Western banks have huge operations in East Asia already. As opportunities grow in the region, leaving might seem foolhardy. But some functions, like developing derivatives and other forms of structured finance, could be shifted abroad.This is a topic I’ve been interested in for quite a long time, and the questions are common to other regions, too. Will Dubai or Manama replace Beirut? Can Sao Paulo overcome poor security to dominate South America, or does modern, stable Santiago have a better shot? Will Central Asia ever its own financial center, or how about Eastern Europe? Do any of these regions need one? I’d love to hear your views, loyal readers, from around the world.
Sorprende un poco ver a la "modern, stable" Santiago de Chile peleando cuerpo a cuerpo con Sao Paulo. ¿Y Buenos Aires? Chile está haciendo bien los deberes, vendiéndose como un país bisagra entre América Latina y el Pacífico Asiático. Argentina está lejos del marketing internacional pero aún así logra colarse en cuanta revista de turismo exclusivo esté dando vueltas por ahí. Quizás esta Buenos Aires trendy termine contagiando a otros sectores de la economía...
Thanks to the aggressive spirit of many newly elected Democrats, this Congress offers an encouraging opening for opponents of corporate-led globalization to go on offense.
Sweatshop imports. The principle at stake is whether Congress has the power to regulate any products imported from foreign factories. Global advocates assume not, but Congress has already embraced the opposite precedent.
Free riders. As American companies move more and more of their manufacturing offshore, many take on the status of "free riders." They enjoy all the benefits of being "American" -- government services and subsidies, the protection of the US military -- while discarding reciprocal obligations to the country: jobs, economic investment and paying a fair share of the tax burden.
A "free rider" surcharge could be enacted on top of the corporate income tax, which would raise the tax liability for firms in proportion to how much their domestic production is declining because of offshoring. By itself, the special tax wouldn't reverse the dynamics driving the process, but it would change the incentives. The measure would inform corporate executives that the "free ride" is over and that "global companies" will begin paying a rising price for abandoning loyalty to the US economy.
Dorgan's legislation is the economic equivalent of "going nuclear." It would rattle the global system profoundly, because the United States has long been the willing "buyer of last resort" for world production. By issuing a limited supply of import certificates to trading companies, the government would unilaterally restrict the amount of goods brought into the country. Gradually over five years, it could correct its huge trade imbalance.
Other trading nations might threaten retaliation, but that's not a game they can easily win since the US market remains the largest buyer for their goods.
VÍA CAMPESINA would like to thank the numerous artists who have agreed to support Nyéléni 2007. The diversity of their music and songs are implanted in peasant culture, which is still thriving on our planet. Their help and support has enabled us to realise this political project that is of great importance to us.
José Bové - Vía Campesina
Ethical food
Dec 7th 2006
From The Economist print edition
(...)Surely the case for local food, produced as close as possible to the consumer in order to minimise “food miles” and, by extension, carbon emissions, is clear? Surprisingly, it is not. A study of Britain's food system found that nearly half of food-vehicle miles (ie, miles travelled by vehicles carrying food) were driven by cars going to and from the shops. Most people live closer to a supermarket than a farmer's market, so more local food could mean more food-vehicle miles. Moving food around in big, carefully packed lorries, as supermarkets do, may in fact be the most efficient way to transport the stuff.
What's more, once the energy used in production as well as transport is taken into account, local food may turn out to be even less green. Producing lamb in New Zealand and shipping it to Britain uses less energy than producing British lamb, because farming in New Zealand is less energy-intensive. And the local-food movement's aims, of course, contradict those of the Fairtrade movement, by discouraging rich-country consumers from buying poor-country produce. But since the local-food movement looks suspiciously like old-fashioned protectionism masquerading as concern for the environment, helping poor countries is presumably not the point.
The decline of the French farm has occurred despite, or perhaps because of, the generous support of the CAP. France’s farmers receive the equivalent of $11.6 billion a year in handouts, more than one fifth of total European Union spending on agriculture. Those subsidies have arguably kept French farms from becoming more competitive and thus contributed to their long-term decline.
The AAFTA would draw together these 13 partners to build on the gains of free trade. It could also include the island states of the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act. Starting with a small secretariat, perhaps in Miami, the AAFTA should advance hemispheric economic integration; link development and democracy with trade and aid; improve working and environmental conditions; and continue to pursue the goal of free trade throughout the hemisphere. It might even foster cooperation in the WTO's global trade negotiations. The AAFTA might be connected to an academic center, which could combine research and practice through an association among universities in the Americas.
The top 11 users shown here account for almost 80 % of all complaints made (285/363). The US and the EU are the major users with half of this total, but one should note the position of Brazil and India.La necesidad de involucrar a los países menos avanzados llevó a la creación del Centro de Asesoría legal en Asuntos de la OMC (ACWL, por sus siglas en inglés). Confieso que desconocía la existencia de esta venerable institución...
The ACWL, established in mid-2001 with financial support from a group of WTO members, provides general legal advice on the whole range of WTO agreements, rights and obligations to developing members, with a special focus on least developed members. In addition, it has a major role in actively assisting developing members who request its help in evaluating, preparing and pursuing dispute cases at the WTO. And, thirdly, ACWL also provides substantial help with training (six month part time courses) and with internships for least developed legal officials.
What is perhaps surprising is that some other WTO members, in a similar position, have not been more participative. The big absentee is of course China, now in third place for world trade in goods and fourth for services.
If this is so, it indicates that what one might call ‘rational decision making’ is at work. For many countries, as a practical matter, the benefits of GSP are a feature of primary importance to their exports, and if one adds access to schemes such as AGOA or ‘Everything but arms’ it is clear that maintaining such privileges would be a top priority.
Is lack of resources, human or financial, one of the problems? It is hard to prove a negative, and to be certain why something has not been done. On the one hand the contribution of the ACWL has already been noted: lack of resources should no longer be a major problem. On the other, it can always be said that extra resources and especially manpower could always make a difference to countries that have small delegations in Geneva and/or are far away from WTO, and that have small budgets. But, increasingly, resource difficulties in Geneva seem less and less the problem.
Having said that, there are some signs that the system does work to provide a ‘level playing field’ and that the opportunities are readily available to all members.
In partnership with the world’s most renowned bloggers, the World Economic Forum is developing a Davos Conversation page, a "bloggregator" that will bundle all blog posts, video blogs, photo blogs and video feeds from and about the Forum’s Annual Meeting 2007. The partners of the project – Huffington Post, the Guardian, the BBC and BuzzMachine are inviting their readers to record and submit video questions and comments.
The Forum will webcast over 50 of the 220 sessions of the Annual Meeting. 31 of the sessions will be webcast live and a further 20 will be available for download once the session is over. All webcasts will be available also as pod- and vodcasts for download from Google video.
For the first time, selected participants of the Annual Meeting will be interviewed in the 3D virtual world of Second Life. Second Life residents can submit their questions to Adam Reuters, Reuters’ Second Life correspondent, who will conduct the interview in the Reuters auditorium in Second Life. Internet users can watch the interviews online at: http://secondlife.reuters.com
(Vía: Trade Diversion)Abstract:
Since it took office the administration of George W. Bush has pursued a trade policy known as Competitive Liberalization. This policy envisages a series of mutually-reinforcing and sequential steps to open markets abroad to U.S. companies, to strengthen market-oriented laws and regulations overseas, and to place the U.S. at the centre of the world trading system.
Foreign and security policy considerations have influenced U.S. trade policymaking, perhaps more so than in the 1990s. To date the principal outcome of this policy has been the negotiation by the U.S. of numerous free trade agreements, mainly with developing countries individually or in sub-regional groupings. In addition to characterising this policy in detail, the principal purpose of this paper is to assess the logic underlying this approach to trade policymaking and whether competitive liberalization has begun to fulfil the promise spelt out for it at the beginning of this decade.
Un estudio publicado por el Usda, en Estados Unidos, identifica a Costa Rica como un mercado de interés para los exportadores norteamericanos. Señala que las importaciones de alimentos y bebidas se han expandido a tasas cercanas al 10% en los últimos años y que es probable que dicho crecimiento se mantenga al menos en el período 2006 al 2012. Ello implicaría un aumento de 77% desde su actual de nivel de importaciones. Dichas compras para el sector de hotelería, restaurantes y el segmento institucional (casinos, colegios, hospitales, etc.) se estiman en cerca de US$ 60 millones anuales.
Con una población de 4,3 millones de habitantes, Costa Rica recibió en 2005 aproximadamente 1,6 millón de turistas, los que realizaron compras por US$ 1.600 millones. Esta afluencia de visitantes creció a una tasa anual de 14% en el período 2002 al 2005, lo que apoyó el desarrollo de compañías de comida rápida, hotelería y las ventas de comida institucional. Para este segmento se estima que las ventas deberían crecer del orden de 15% anual en el trienio 2007-2009.
Ma said that he got most of his ideas while taking very long, hot showers. He likes to spend time walking his four dogs and playing chess and poker, although he is not much of a gambler. "When I went to Las Vegas, my gambling limit was $500," he said. "I like to play cards. I'm not very good, because I don't want to calculate, I just play by instinct. But I've learned a lot of business philosophy by playing poker."
Estimado Sr. George W. Bush,Ahora que está a punto de cumplirse el 5º aniversario del campo de detenidos de Guantánamo, quiero felicitarle a usted por varios motivos:
1. Por habérselas arreglado para mantener un centro de detención ilegal abierto durante tanto tiempo ante la pasividad de la comunidad internacional;
2. Por intentar reducir a cenizas la Convención de Ginebra, después de más de medio siglo de vigencia;
3. Por haber descubierto que hay seres humanos sin derechos humanos;
4. Por mantener bajo detención prolongada a cientos de detenidos sin cargo ni juicio, permitiendo las torturas y los malos tratos;
5. Por hacer desaparecer a un número desconocido de personas, y por hacerlo, eso sí, en nombre de la libertad;
6. Por haber conseguido que sean admisibles las pruebas obtenidas mediante tortura u otros tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes;
7. Por conseguir que muchos países, entre ellos muchos de Europa, le presten sus bases y aeropuertos para dichos propósitos.
Por todo ello, le hago llegar mis felicitaciones. Pero de paso, también le envío mi más airada condena y rechazo a la existencia de Guantánamo y el resto de centros de detención.
Le exijo a usted que cierre el centro de detención de Guantánamo y que libere a los detenidos a menos que los acusen de un delito común reconocible y los juzguen de conformidad con las normas internacionales de justicia procesal, en un tribunal que no imponga la pena de muerte.
(Campaña de Amnesty para enviarle esta linda postal a Bush el día de mañana, en el aniversario de Guatánamo. Lamentablemente no está preparada para Argentina ya que responde con "DNI no válido" cuando intento firmar).
(...)Gas, leche, harina de trigo… las relaciones comerciales entre Argentina y Chile tienen olor a constante arbitraje. Mientras hoy se supo que el Gobierno de Buenos Aires hizo formal su reclamo a la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) por las salvaguardas del 23% para los productos lácteos provenientes de ese país, la Administración de Michelle Bachelet siguió adelante con su plan para favorecer al sector agropecuario con otra medida que vuelve a sumir las relaciones comerciales en otro conflicto.
Además de las manzanas está autorizado el ingreso a Chile de litchis, longans, peras fragantes (Pyrus sp. nr. communis) y peras genéricas (Pyrus spp) provenientes de la República Popular China. Este ingreso de fruta china no representa una competencia para la producción nacional, debido entre otros aspectos, al tema estacional, ya que se venderán en fechas diferentes y porque son volúmenes minoritarios al lado del consumo local.
A strategy of aggressive lobbying, this paper claims, is affording transnational corporations undue influence over the European Union’s trade agenda. Drawing from the EU’s own Sustainability Impact Assessments, case studies and other sources, this report illustrates how the European Commission’s position in WTO trade negotiations promotes the interests of big business over social and environmental goals in five areas (...)
El caso argentino (13º) es más complicado: el país ha carecido de una visión de largo plazo para el desarrollo de su infraestructura. El boom constructor del período de Carlos Menem consistía en la ejecución de proyectos poco articulados que respondían más que todo a las propuestas de inversionistas internacionales. EL resultado es una infraestructura de baja capacidad y excesivo endeudamiento. Hoy no se ve en el gobierno un intento serio por reemplazar eso.
Wang said that even though the EU's tariffs were likely to expire before the court makes a judgment, the case had broader lessons for how private Chinese companies answer protectionist efforts.
"Some entrepreneurs have an attitude problem that they don't consider long-term factors, only immediate earnings," Wang said. "We need to change that attitude for the good of everyone."
China has nurtured hundreds of nationwide industry associations to represent companies, but often they act as little more than couriers for government policy. Wang said they needed to become "bridges" fostering cooperation between companies.
Angela Merkel, German chancellor, will this month launch a sweeping initiative for the harmonisation of US and European legislation to boost investment flows and trade between the world’s largest economic blocs.Initial talks will review financial market regulations, including delisting rules, which many US-listed European companies feel are too cumbersome, as well as intellectual property law. Ms Merkel is also seeking mutual recognition of technical standards for products such as cars....
Her ambition is to create a single transatlantic market for investors, with common rules and standards on issues such as intellectual property and financial regulation. However, her initiative may face opposition from a more protectionist US and other EU member states....
Este año hemos tenido una continuación del boom del precio cobre -en verdad de un boom minero- iniciado el año 2004. Normalmente, las exportaciones cupríferas representaban alrededor de 40% de las exportaciones totales del país. Este año serán aproximadamente 60%. Sin embargo, la composición real de las exportaciones ha variado mucho menos. Lo que hay, más que nada, es un auge de precios. Esta situación se normalizará a medida que los precios retornen a sus niveles de mediano y largo plazo.
Bueno, desarrollar más conocimiento local de cómo funcionan esos mercados y encontrar formas de facilitar a nuestros exportadores la adquisición de ese conocimiento global. Necesitamos aumentar el número de chilenos que viaja al exterior a hacer estudios de negocios y pasantías y, crucialmente, diversificar sus destinos. Es insustituible el conocimiento local que desarrolla alguien cuando estudia o trabaja en un país, las redes que desarrolla, los conocimientos que adquiere. Necesitamos fomentar esto, pero además, debemos desarrollar mecanismos para que la comunidad completa de exportadores se beneficie de los conocimientos adquiridos por estos pioneros.
Y yo me puse estúpidamente contento mientras mordía una tostada, pensando en el boom de turistas, en Buenos Aires como nuevo destino in, y las personas en Nueva York que también estarían leyendo la noticia.
But after a fourth consecutive year of economic growth, Argentina is once again one of the hottest luxury-goods markets in the Americas. In South America, Argentina is second in its lure for high-end marketers ...
Free trade agreements with the United States, Japan, China and Southeast Asia would put more than 100,000 South Koreans out of work over the next 10 years, a government estimate has said. In a report submitted to parliament on Monday, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy said some 13,400 local companies would come under pressure to cut their workforce amid mounting imports.
"We are still recommending FTAs as their benefits are greater than disadvantages," a ministry spokesman told AFP. Along with the report, the ministry asked for a budget of one billion won (1.1 million dollars), including 760 million won for consulting services for the companies which would be hit hard by FTAs.