El viejo Robert vuelve a la carga con el AAFTA (Association of American Free Trade Agreements), una propuesta que causó algún revuelo en su país:
(Vía: Daniel Drezner)
Los analistas aseguran que el AAFTA no es ni más ni menos que el ALCA con otro nombre. Sin embargo, Zoellick parece estar proponiendo algo distinto:
The AAFTA would draw together these 13 partners to build on the gains of free trade. It could also include the island states of the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act. Starting with a small secretariat, perhaps in Miami, the AAFTA should advance hemispheric economic integration; link development and democracy with trade and aid; improve working and environmental conditions; and continue to pursue the goal of free trade throughout the hemisphere. It might even foster cooperation in the WTO's global trade negotiations. The AAFTA might be connected to an academic center, which could combine research and practice through an association among universities in the Americas.
No deja ser un tema interesante para el debate y problablemente sólo eso, ya que estamos frente a un Congreso cada vez más proteccionista y a un Presidente en retirada.
(Trade Diversion también lo trata).
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