martes, noviembre 11, 2008

Dulce elixir para el mundo

El vino argentino empieza a llamar la atención de los académicos:

Argentina is the world’s fifth largest wine producer, but until very recently its wines were little known and even less appreciated outside of the country. During the last decade, Argentina’s wine isolation came to an end. In large part, the success of Argentina’s export development has resulted from the convergence of possessing an attractive grape variety and producing appealing wines with it.

Parte del éxito de nuestros brebajes parece ser la proverbial capacidad de adaptación de la gente de estas pampas:

  • Argentines have learned to maneuver in order to lose the least or to make the most of an uncertain environment. This is clearly evident in the decision-making of major protagonists of the reconverted industry
  • the wine industry enjoys considerable flexibility in everything, such as rules and regulations

El bueno de Omar Khayyam ilustra esta nota por su reconocida afición a tan noble bebida. ¡Venturoso el que todavía no ha tenido el placer de haber leído Las Rubaiyat!

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