miércoles, abril 30, 2008

Space invaders

Según nos cuenta Guerrilla Innovation, the new new thing en experimentos sociales urbanos es Permanent Breakfast:

The experiment was conceived in 1996 by the Austrian artist Friedemann Derschmid and the basic idea is to bring people together to have breakfast in public spaces that are not necessarily obvious picnic spots, thereby modifying the way we think of these spaces as well as stimulating social interaction in them.

Naturally, anyone can do this without it being an art project, so to be an authentic Permanent Breakfast event, there are some rules that participants must follow: The organizer must invite at least four people under the condition that each one of them subsequently invites four other people for a new breakfast to be held somewhere else. And so on.

Los argentinos estamos más acostumbrados a tomar la calle por asalto y sin pedir permiso, por lo que un grupo de alegres desayunadores en la Plaza de Mayo o sobre la 9 de Julio probablemente no sorprenderían a nadie. De todos modos, Buenos Aires tiene la saludable tendencia de adaptar o copiar, más temprano que tarde, estos experimentos inocentes que cruzan a las grandes ciudades (como por ejemplo, Pecha Kucha Night, Book Crossing o la Prueba de la Bici).

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