sábado, abril 19, 2008

¡Estamos todos louuucos!

El Economist se burla suavemente de los esfuerzos de Finlandia por atraer trabajadores calificados:

IT MIGHT be the endless pine forests, the locals beating themselves with birch twigs in the sauna or the odd notion of golfing in the snow. Whichever it is, the Finnish labour ministry's promotional video to attract skilled foreign workers has a ring of desperation. The video (which is available in English, Polish and Romanian) seeks to brand the country as “the cool attic of Europe” and lists Finland's attractions: high quality of life, clean air, good schools and “managers who treat workers almost like friends”.

Mientras tanto, algunos kilómetros más al sur... ¡Alemania PAGA para que te vayas a vivir al exterior!:

The financing, known as the "Mobi," helps cover moving and travel costs for jobless Germans and their families. It is discretionary and aimed at those with job prospects abroad, although it is also available for relocations inside Germany.

"The mobility assistance benefits can be used for moves to anywhere in the world," said Sabine Seidler, spokeswoman for the International Placement Service in Bonn. "They're granted on a case-by-case basis and there's no upper limit on the sum involved. Applicants usually must have a contract and meet certain criteria. The main purpose is to help those who've lost their jobs find work as quickly as possible."

(Costó encontrar el video finés y la verdad es que no es muy tentador. Con humo o sin humo, esto parece más interesante, más allá de un eventual chasco post venta).

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