martes, abril 22, 2008

Small is beautiful

¡Llamen al INADI! El Economist se mete con nosotros, los enanos:

Nonetheless, manufacturers were right to suspect that taller people, on average, were more employable. Surprisingly, this remains true in the knowledge economy of today's America and not just the factory economy of Victorian Britain. The tallest quarter of the population earns 9-10% more than the shortest quarter, according to two recent studies.

De todos modos, una de las explicaciones no es muy convincente:

Nicola Persico and Andrew Postlewaite of the University of Pennsylvania and Dan Silverman of the University of Michigan think this is because height gives adolescents self-confidence and helps them learn valuable social skills.

Al menos en este país, los petisos no las recontra bancamos. De hecho, habitualmente desarrollamos capacidades excepcionales justamente para contrarrestar la irritante soberbia de los que nos miran de arriba.

2 comentarios:

Cultural Identities dijo...

versión 1) lo bueno viene en frasco chico

versión 2) The SMS

Enrique Avogadro dijo...

me gustó eso de "little demon creature"!!