miércoles, julio 07, 2010

Free Fallin'

Tom Petty se sube al tren 2.0 con un entusiasmo insospechado en este artista (¡o en su manager!):

A new Web hub, in partnership with TomPetty.com, will link off Tribune Co. Web sites -- including the Chicago Tribune's -- to provide access to aggregated and unique content; music videos and tracks from the new release, "Mojo." In select markets, it also will offer access to concert tickets and merchandise from the "Mojo" tour, which began June 1 near Denver.

Más allá del eventual impacto comercial que pueda tener la iniciativa, resulta interesante que los músicos tengan la valentía de explorar las fronteras del sistema para ver si le encuentran la vuelta. La industria de la música, siendo la primera a la que le cayó de lleno el piano en la cabeza de los cambios tecnológicos, es un campo rico que permite vislumbrar lo que pasará con el resto de los sectores afectados por Internet:

"As MTV has faded and FM radio has become more and more musically limited, there’s no clear promotional vehicle for musical artists of this stature," Lee Abrams, a longtime radio consultant who's now Tribune Co.'s chief innovation officer, said in a statement. "We think we can offer a new and different way for the greats of the music industry to connect with their fans."

Visitors to the new site can play a trivia game and register for a chance to win a trip to Los Angeles and front-row seats for the band's Oct. 1 show at the Hollywood Bowl. A download of the band's new album comes with purchase of tickets for the "Mojo" tour. Ticket buyers will also will get eight live tracks recorded during the tour.

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