miércoles, julio 30, 2008

Más cuentos de piratas

Recientemente mencionamos el libro "The Pirates Dilemma" de Matt Mason. El Economist también cita a este autor para mostrar como la piratería puede ser, además, una fuente de innovación:

Piracy can also be a source of innovation, if someone takes a product and then modifies it in a popular way. In music unofficial remixes can boost sales of the original work. And in a recent book, “The Pirate’s Dilemma”, Matt Mason gives the example of Nigo, a Japanese designer who took Air Force 1 trainers made by Nike, removed the famous “swoosh” logo, applied his own designs and then sold the resulting shoes in limited editions at $300 a pair under his own label, A Bathing Ape. Instead of suing Nigo, Nike realised that he had spotted a gap in the market. It took a stake in his firm and also launched its own premium “remixes” of its trainers. Mr Mason argues that “the best way to profit from pirates is to copy them.”

Sea como sea, está claro que el esquema actual de propiedad ntelectual vive una crisis terminal en tanto y en cuanto no se flexibilice. Una salida, aparentemente, es justamente aprender a dormir con el enemigo.

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