jueves, abril 30, 2009

Connectivity is poverty

El concepto de la conectividad como indicador de pobreza quizás no se aplique, precisamente, a países pobres. De todos modos, es provocador y definitivamente vale la pena reflexionar en torno a esta idea:

“Connectivity is poverty” was how a friend of mine summarized Sterling’s bold theme. Only the poor — defined broadly as those without better options — are obsessed with their connections. Anyone with a strong soul or a fat wallet turns his ringer off for good and cultivates private gardens that keep the hectic Web far away. The man of leisure, Sterling suggested, savors solitude, or intimacy with friends, presumably surrounded by books and film and paintings and wine and vinyl — original things that stay where they are and cannot be copied and corrupted and shot around the globe with a few clicks of a keyboard.

Nice, right? The implications of Sterling’s idea are painful for Twitter types. The connections that feel like wealth to many of us — call us the impoverished, we who treasure our smartphones and tally our Facebook friends — are in fact meager, more meager even than inflated dollars. What’s worse, these connections are liabilities that we pretend are assets. We live on the Web in these hideous conditions of overcrowding only because — it suddenly seems so obvious — we can’t afford privacy. And then, lest we confront our horror, we call this cramped ghetto our happy home!

2 comentarios:

Recomenzar dijo...

fromt twitter te dejo un saludo

Julián dijo...

hace 200 años estar quemado era sinónimo de ser pobre y trabajar en el campo
hoy, es un indicador de tener tiempo libre y un lugar al aire libre para esparcimiento, algo que de lo que pocos pueden disponer...
ser gordo en la edad media también fue sinónimo de opulencia, hoy ser flaco equivale a una mejor dieta y más cuidado físico...

suena parecido, no?
