sábado, junio 19, 2010

Se buscan ideas para ciudades vivibles

Richard Florida le está sacando el jugo a su bien ganada reputación. Como buen gurú, exprime un concepto hasta convertirlo en mito y después lo aplica a cuanto producto ande dando vueltas por ahí. Es probable que ese sea el origen del Philips Livable Cities Award, una iniciativa interesante en su alcance y con 175.000 euros en premios:

Our cities are our greatest invention. They are places where human diversity and talent cluster to foster unrivaled creativity, innovation, and prosperity. Home to half of the world’s population, housing more than three billion people globally, too many of our cities are disconnected from the global economy and even many of the most advanced cities have pockets of disadvantage and poverty. If we want to raise global living standards and improve the health and well-being of all our residents, we have to start by making our cities more prosperous and livable. We need simple solutions that can be replicated in any community.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of the Philips Livable Cities Award. This year-long program honors outside-of-the-box thinkers who have ideas that demonstrate simple, practical solutions for improving the health and well-being of the people living, working, and playing in their city. Richard Florida will be joined by an international panel of experts to develop the award criteria.

The initiative was introduced to highlight the complex challenges faced by the residents of today’s cities and to encourage individuals, community groups, and businesses to develop novel strategies and solutions that can help their communities become more livable, sustainable, and prosperous, and can be readily executed and replicated in communities worldwide.

Lamentablemente no pueden concursar instituciones gubernamentales porque podríamos armar un lindo proyecto con el futuro Distrito de Diseño Barracas en el entorno de nuestro Centro Metropolitano de Diseño.

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