domingo, diciembre 05, 2010

Llevar el diseño a la escuela

Vuelvo cada tanto al Design Council como fuente de inspiración. No sólo hacen un trabajo excepcional en materia de promoción del diseño desde 1944 sino que además encaran con valentía el análisis de su propio futuro.

Hace un tiempo me crucé con "A ten step guide to running a design workshop", una guía práctica para incluir el diseño en las escuelas:

A design workshop will help you take your pupils out of the classroom and into more complex contexts on an assignment that’s focused on identifying opportunities for design improvement, understanding user needs and working in teams to create products and systems that solve real problems and improve the quality of life.
It will help you as a teacher make links between your design classes and other subjects and areas of the curriculum, especially ICT for research and idea development, and other subjects like science, maths, geography or history that take pupils out of the classroom. It will also help you make cross curricula links with citizenship and sustainability teaching.

La verdad es que da envidia. En el contexto de la educación argentina (un sistema rígido, temeroso al cambio) parece casi utópico pensar en llevar el diseño a las escuelas. De todos modos, si alguna vez hay ánimo para encararlo acá tenemos un modelo simple y práctico.

Design Mark es otra iniciativa que apunta en la misma dirección y que permite vislumbrar el desarrollo de un formato integral que vincule al diseño con el sistema educativo:

The Design Mark is a quality standards framework developed jointly by the Design & Technology Association and the Design Council. It is intended as an aspirational badge awarded to primary and secondary schools that demonstrate excellence in their teaching of design. It looks beyond schools that simply deliver excellent design and technology to schools that also integrate contemporary design thinking into their teaching.

The Design Mark aims to identify and reward primary and secondary schools that are delivering high quality design education to their pupils. It also aims to:
  • Promote higher standards in the quality of design education
  • Help schools and pupils better understand the wider role of design in society
  • Encourage schools to develop closer links with professional design practice
  • Raise the status of design in schools and local communities
  • Provide schools with a framework to help them evaluate and self-review standards and practice

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